Self Help

Gandhi once said : The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.


Assalamualaikum, Hi and Hello universee . It's been month(s) I have not updated my blog .Yeah looser me for doing that . Actually many things happened to me recently but that was not a reason why I'm writing right now . 

Sooooo , I have become science student "muehehe' and go to science school that's ,SMS Banting,Selangor .Taking science stream and go to science school is really a challenge to me as the subjects is killer + murderer and there are many smart students in the school so, there are many competitions .Plus , I have to leave my family and my 'kawanbaiksampaimati' in Tambun,Ipoh, Perak  , like seriously I hate it .

Live in boarding school is totally out of my thought , it's fun .Make new friends from other state than Perak , get new ' adik ' as dormmate ,and . . . . . . . . .. .* insert please :P* . Now ,I am at home in Perak wasting my leasure that should be filled with finishing a ton of homework .But that can be handled la ,I still have time till this sunday .Oh  forgot to mention  , I will wasting my time *again* at Bukit Merah Laketown Resort with my kawanbaiksampaimati .Thanks to my mom .Love you la ! 

P/S : I will keep on updating blog this week before going back to Selangor this Sunday :)